After the order has been received, the products are sent to the delivery address specified by the customer via parcel post. Customer is responsible to provide correct shipping details. Delivery times abroad depend on the country and result in particular from the transport times. We send all orders with tracking numbers, that you can see all the time where the delivery is currently or check the order status.
*Customer is responsible for possible import taxes and VAT of their shipping address outside of Switzerland.
Switzerland & Liechtenstein:
- 7 CHF - PRIORITY, 2-4 business days
- 9 CHF - ECONOMY, 1-2 business days
- Free shipping orders over 120CHF
- 20 CHF, 2-8 business days
- Free shipping for orders over 200 CHF
Austria: 2-4 days
France: 2-4 days
Finland: 2-5 days
Germany: 2-4 days
Great Britain: 2-4 days
Italy: 2-5 days
Sweden: 2-5 days
Rest of the world:
- 25 CHF, 5-18 business days
- Free shipping for orders over 200 CHF
Australia: 6-10 days
Canada: 5-7 days
USA: 3-7 days
Japan: 3-6 days
You have the right to return ordered products within a maximum of 10 calendar days from the delivery date. The customer sends the products back at his own risk and expense
You can find more detailed information about our terms and conditions here.